- 08.May
- Vintage Chic Wedding Fair Autumn 2012
Meet some of the wonderful exhibitors at the Autumn 2012 Vintage Chic Wedding Fair.
- 13.Oct
- Your Guide To: Vintage Chic Wedding Fair
Short film Your Guide To: Vintage Chic Wedding Fair
- 11.Oct
- Fairbourne: A Train Journey
Short film Fairbourne: A Train Journey.
- 09.Oct
- Vintage Chic Wedding Fair: October in the Old Library
Short film from the Vintage Chic Wedding Fair: October in the Old Library.
- 09.Jul
- Giffords Circus: The Thunders
Scenes from Giffords Circus: The Thunders – a Flickr photograph album.
- 03.Jul
- Witley Court and Gardens
Scenes from Witley Court and Gardens – a Flickr photograph album.
- 07.May
- Save the Date WEWAD (Wedding Event with a Difference)
Save the Date WEWAD (Wedding Event with a Difference) – a Flickr photograph album.
- 16.Aug
- Birmingham Zine Festival Artwork
Postcards: Mail Art Exhibition Submission
- 07.Apr
- Metapod Connect
Comic strip created for Metapod Connect.
- 14.Feb
- Strip Generator
Strip Generator – Comic Strips in Minutes.
Hardluck Hotel is a showcase for the film, photography and artwork of Keith Bloomfield.
Incoming will feature films, books, comics and more that Hardluck Hotel is looking forward to in 2009.
Hardluck Hotel Recommends @ Amazon is a way for you to pick up any of the films, books or random items featured on the site, straight from Amazon.